
               So we are seeing these Massive series of Slapping sanctions on Russia, however, history has showed time and again, Sanctions over the long term do not make any damage, Iran, Russia, North Korea , India, China, has proved this already, yes there can be initial Panic, with the Swift Ban, But this will hurt both ways, not just one way,  EU thinking that they can isolate anyone at their whim and fancy, and want to control or cripple economies is no less thinking than that of dictator Mindset that the west is referring to,    When India was sanctioned for testing its Nuclear weapon , which in turn helped India, to be self sufficient in its Nuclear program.  Lets see What are the So called Major, sanctions,  one of the most recent being , Closure of Airspace,  The world has seen and survived, without international flights, thanks to Covid,  the full traffic has not been fully restored yet, to many countries, so no  point of this, on a Broader scale Russia will have little exte

Nobody's War

  While the world has awakened to another Era of Blood shed driven by  Politically motivated Agenda's, I would like to quote a famous Telugu Poet SRI SRI " whatever civilization or culture we take, Human history is full of war and death, Pain and possession, Human history is Evidence that destruction is our true Nature, There wouldn't be any place in the world , that was inhabited by people, and blood did not flow , Mankind's Legacy is all about glorifying Killers as Kings and Naming them Great and lord, by the Number of Bodies they laid "   As it is sad that a war that could have been avoided very easily was provoked into a Full scale "I nvasion" ,as per the Western Media , and social Media, I am shocked by the level of Hypocrisy , double, triple standards of West, When it came to lives of Europeans , Christians and White people "  This hypocrisy hasn't just began now, this insensibility towards lives of people based on colour, religion, count