Nobody's War


While the world has awakened to another Era of Blood shed driven by  Politically motivated Agenda's,
I would like to quote a famous Telugu Poet SRI SRI " whatever civilization or culture we take, Human history is full of war and death, Pain and possession, Human history is Evidence that destruction is our true Nature, There wouldn't be any place in the world , that was inhabited by people, and blood did not flow , Mankind's Legacy is all about glorifying Killers as Kings and Naming them Great and lord, by the Number of Bodies they laid "  

As it is sad that a war that could have been avoided very easily was provoked into a Full scale "Invasion" ,as per the Western Media , and social Media, I am shocked by the level of Hypocrisy , double, triple standards of West, When it came to lives of Europeans , Christians and White people " 

This hypocrisy hasn't just began now, this insensibility towards lives of people based on colour, religion, country began with colonization and slave trade, where people were thought to be unworthy walking the earth , or were simply Born to serve the masters based on their skin Color, This Ugly thought process and treating of people like slaves and animals and unimaginable Horrors came as legacy to the modern day European Politicians and Rulers.

Before i discuss the Ukraine Russia, situation , somebody please tell me this  " when a group of people gang up and threaten anyone around them, and say , you hit me, WE HIT YOU, what do you call this ? sounds like Mafia to me,   Now apply the same Logic to countries who gang up with others purely based on  Geography and Ethnicity ..
and what we Get is  NATO.. The world's most powerful, righteous , self proclaimed peace keeping crusaders, who carefully choose, whom to allow and whom not to allow, into their Gang.

Now, Putin no doubt is no saint, However for the First time , I am totally convinced after years of being a political analyst, traveling and living in various countries and specially Eastern Europe being my  special Interest, and my connection to East European countries   AND Ex-USSR ,since my childhood gives me a extra edge of seeing things how other people can see without an European influence , for the first time, Putin is right and justified about this war, not that he wanted this war , but this was carefully pushed on him cleverly and cunningly on him by US  and its ALLIES, on the Name of care and concern for Ukraine .

Putin had and has Issues with Expansion of NATO, since a long time, and he always wished they would stop expanding, however time and again Ukraine's provocation and complete disregard to its once Father land, and Ever present Neighbour , and his numerous attempts to bring back to Ukraine to his Slavic Brotherhood, like he did with Kazakhstan, and Belarus, wasn't working well, as western forces always wanted to use Ukraine as their stepping stone to attack or scare Moscow , also The public division and rivalry between ethnic Ukrainian population and Russian speaking population has been growing , but when i lived in Ukraine i personally saw , that even today majority of Ukrainian's speak Russian, as their first mode of communication, except for few regions that are aligned with hard core patriotism, The western media and Europe make sure the propaganda  Hatred is always active within the young minds of Ukraine, They sell Toilet papers of Putin, in MAIDAN SQUARE KIEV, and Derogatory posters and name their dogs PUTIN, However you dont see this kind of hatred in Russia for Ukraine or Ukranians,   as they say  " NEVER HATE SOMEONE SO MUCH THAT THEY BECOME YOUR REALITY " 

and this came true in the case of Ukraine, Their fear and Hatred for Putin became their reality as we speak, and this Fear has a face ZELENSKY , The so called poster boy comedian Actor, and now the most Hailed and celebrated President,  and He was a perfect antagonist that the West wanted, he is America's Dream.. He can act, oh yes he can,, we have seen his talented Finesse, He can cry, he can make Brave faces and speeches  and he can even smile, without any emotion inside,  all this at the cost of destroying his country, believing the words of the WEST and , his obsession towards NATO and hatred towards RUSSIA.. however  every leader when he is leading a country as to assess risks before jumping into a Band wagon, just because, they don't like someone whom you don't like, This is a very old formula for troubling someone whom you cannot handle directly. His antics of irking Russia, His statements and provocation, thinking NATO AND USA ,will back him up, in case of  any Russian  misadventure, flatly fell on his face, by the time reality started to sink in ,it was too late.. 
Now he is caught between saving the face or surviving this war, gracefully, He got completely played into the hands of USA and its Allies, who used him as a bait to see how far can PUTIN GO,  and now they sit and watch while he is paying for his words and actions. he has blood of his countrymen on his hands.

Western Media hyping Ukraine, and its president, or people, just to keep their narrative going, is slowly fading away, People around the world except for west , are now seeing the plot clearly, this is not about NATO OR UKRAINE, this is about GAS deals that has to be taken off from Russia , because Europe's growing closeness and ties with Russia, and exchange of Gas and Energy, Space co operation is actually making Russian economy grow  stronger by the year, to a point, Russia cleared most of their Debts from western financial units, and started to become self sufficient, a move that can be disturbing to America, with the growing closeness to china, which is why JOE BIDEN provoked and provoked Putin to go ahead with this war, as his approval ratings in his country are down to 24%, and he needed some diversion, from his ever falling ratings, and this was  a chance for him to pose stronger, to the world that he is not a weak old mumbling president .. alas, this also back fired and opened a new Pandora's box.

How on earth can USA , talk about peace, values, democracy , and blood shed and war?? Dont they have any conscience? How on earth they after taking Millions of human lives, talk about democracy and peace? is there no end to this ? Aren't people and the world leaders tired of this devil in goatskin, lectures? They killed children, women, on the pretext of terrorists,   They went to war against IRAQ after 9/11, attacks, but what connection has Iraq with 9/11 ? Osama or Al-Qaida had no roots or connections with Iraq, nor did they get financial air from Iraq, infact they got all their funding from UAE, which is now a Ally to USA,  They used a narrative of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (WMD) and attacked Iraq and killed its leader and ruined a perfectly running economy and country and left with , nothing but rubbles of broken homes and slain bodies , and till today could not even produce one empty shell or can of WMD, and who ever questioned them they marked them as terrorists, 

They went to war with Afghanistan, on the pretext of OSAMA BIN LADEN, hiding in Afghanistan and killed endless people, children, on the name of his supporters, while he was hiding in plain sight in Pakistan who again was and is their ally , and it is still a terror factory of the world.. however no action on Pakistan , but Afghanistan paid the price, for believing USA, again. They set up a proxy government and pumped so much money to be their colony, yet could not save thier own people who helped and supported them for 20 years.. This is the true nature of USA,  they are friends to no one, and they are friends only till it serves their purpose, i don't know when will Ukrainians will learn these facts and lesson from history, 

There can only be two end results of this Game started by US  and its allies, either this will lead to a  Nuclear war that would destroy all of Europe including Russia, or, if sense prevails Ukraine will let go off their obsession with NATO and mend their relationship with Russia,  

For Russia and Russians specially ,this is a wake up call, How easy Europe is ready to give up on them for Ukraine, its time Russians and people around the world start giving up and isolating Europe, for their racist, supremacist mentalities and Ideology, Russians should stop buying European products, and stop running behind dollars, completely avoid dollars, and see how your economy will boom, spend only when you need something, for the next few weeks, or months, dont let the western panic burden your banks and collapse,  your economic system, instead of buying bags and shoes , buy gold and save it, for long time.. the results would be simply life changing for individuals and for the country, 

My heart goes to all the soldiers of Ukraine who are losing their lives over an ugly political plot , played by west and a Incapable, media frenzy president , who destroyed more than he can ever build ..
