So we are seeing these Massive series of Slapping sanctions on Russia, however, history has showed time and again, Sanctions over the long term do not make any damage, Iran, Russia, North Korea , India, China, has proved this already, yes there can be initial Panic, with the Swift Ban, But this will hurt both ways, not just one way,  EU thinking that they can isolate anyone at their whim and fancy, and want to control or cripple economies is no less thinking than that of dictator Mindset that the west is referring to,    When India was sanctioned for testing its Nuclear weapon , which in turn helped India, to be self sufficient in its Nuclear program. 

Lets see What are the So called Major, sanctions,  one of the most recent being , Closure of Airspace,  The world has seen and survived, without international flights, thanks to Covid,  the full traffic has not been fully restored yet, to many countries, so no  point of this, on a Broader scale Russia will have little extended Pandemic, and this cannot be forever and EU know this as well.. 

Swift Ban, yes can be a little painful, however, a digitalized Rouble , or accepting crypto payments would remove the necessity of Swift at all from the fast changing Banking Global scenario, This actually will, pave way for Crypto war, making the old school economies shape up or ship out, Mind you Russia has 635$ Foreign reserves and this helps Russian banks to pay every single individual who would come to withdraw in a Bank run, at the same time .

Cultural bans, International Events are not immediate concern, However they only show the Racist bias of US and its allies, as we are already seeing the true side of this Media frenzy coverage , the following video sums it all up,   A reporter Clearly saying " It is painful to see Blue eyed, Blonde Hair Europeans die "   the same line was taken by another Journalist who quote " more civilized lives than Iraq and Afghanistan "  this war is never about justice or democracy this is about Politics and Money, Power and Race .  More and More non White voices are raising, asking the same question, why no sound when it came to lives of other countries, why so much for Ukraine? why this Biased coverage and Hype , why this Race Mongering Love for Ukraine ?

Sooner or later, some one from West will have to answer these questions, how come the only country that has blood of millions on its hand, is talking about peace and democracy? 

Zelensky will go down in history as a President who put his country and people in Danger for his own personal Ambitions .

However the question remains , is what will happen if there is change of Governments, in USA, and CANADA, which looks very bleak  at this point for the existing leaders to continue , Would the west be still so determined against Russia? Has Putin not calculated all these factors? Has the world failed to Understand, Putin's opening remarks on military's operation  " we are prepared for any outcome" says a lot to the west.

If not Handled carefully  this is for sure going to end up in a Full scale Nuclear war and circumstances beyond, EU and sanctions.. when there are no countries left, what would you with Sanctions 
